Dane County Clerk's Office

Solicitor Permits

To obtain a solicitor’s permit for Non-Profit groups, For-Profit Groups and individuals selling products to citizens must do the following.

Please note: the process, which includes a background check, may take up two weeks. Please plan accordingly!

Solicitor Permit Application Requirements.  You must submit the following:

  1. Completed Solicitor Permit Application
  2. A photocopy of your Photo I.D. or Driver's License.
  3. 2"x 2" photograph taken within the last year showing the head and shoulders of the applicant. The photo will be kept for our records
  4. Fingerprint Card - The Madison Police Department, 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room GR-10 is available to perform fingerprinting services.  You may choose to have fingerprints taken at an alternate location in Dane County.  Additional fingerprinting locations within Dane County.
  5. Payment - A non-refundable fee of $110.00 (credit card payment) will be collected upon review of the submitted application. (For Profit applicants).

You may submit your application via mail:  Dane County Clerk, "Solicitor Permit", 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Room 106A, Madison, WI  53703.

We will also accept your applications in-person in our office between the hours of 8am - 3:30pm, Monday-Friday.  

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Our office will submit a background check request to the Dane County Sheriff, which may take up to 2 weeks to complete, please allow ample time for processing.

Once all requirements have been met (application, 2x2 photo, fingerprints, payment) and the background check is cleared, the applicant will be issued a permit #. A completed copy of the permit will be emailed to the applicant.  They must carry the permit with them when working. Fines of up to $300.00 a day do apply. • If you have questions regarding this process, please call (608) 266-4121.